Additional info
Place: Madrid, Spain Date Start: Saturday, 25 January 2003 Date End: Monday, 27 January 2003Attendes:
Muñiz, Forsyth, Perez-Taiman & Luna Victoria (Perú); Junge Schöngeler&Partner (Germany); Amhurst Brown &Colombotti (UK); LR Abogados (Spain); Karako Law Office (Turkey); Abreu Cardigos (Portugal);Studio Legale Bonora E Associati(Italy);
Bylaws Drafting and Composition Membership: Before the end of February 2003. Purchase of trademarks and domain’s name: January 2004. Next meeting will take place in Milano (6, 7 and 8 of June 2003). Studio Bonora will inform about this event as soon as they organize and get some details. Bylaws Drafting and Composition Membership: Before the end of February 2003. Purchase of trademarks and domain’s name: January 2004. Next meeting will take place in Milano (6, 7 and 8 of June 2003). Studio Bonora will inform about this event as soon as they organize and get some details.